Monday, May 13, 2019

Steps for initialization of libraries and net-list in Synopsys IC Compiler 2

Steps for initialization of libraries and net-list  in Synopsys IC Compiler 2

1. Create technology libraries and reference libs

         set NDM_LIB { tcbn28hpcplusbwp40p140lvt_c.ndm \
                                    tcbn28hpcplusbwp40p140_c.ndm }

         set TECH_LIB

         set search_path "/home/..../lvt28/ndm  /home/..../hvt28/ndm /home/..../svt28/ndm   \
                                    /home/..../tech/tech_file_path  /home/user3        \

         create_lib -ref_libs  $NDM_LIB -technology $TECH_LIB my_own_lib_name.ndm
         # create_lib -ref_libs  $NDM_LIB -technology $TECH_LIB myALU.ndm

2. Read Verilog file after synthesis i.e netlist file

          read_verilog      -top        top_module_name
          #read_verilog -top myALU

3. Link verilog net list to tech and ref libraries

4. save our own libraries


5. save this as a block for later references

           save_block -as block_name
           # save_block as myALU_Init

            Purple color indicates the step to include

            Brown_clour indicates the command for the corresponding step
            Blue_clour indicates comment given as example 

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