Friday, August 7, 2020

 You are asked to reproduce some definitions, formulas  --- Remembering

Students find / explore the information themselves in --- Discovery method

Effectiveness of teaching has to be judged interms of -- learning outcomes of the students

When India becomes a member of Washington accord  July 2014

The main criteria of quality assessment is --- Validity and Reliability

What is the most criteria of quality of an appraisal are -- Validity and Reliability

What is the main purpose of bloom taxonomy -- Teaching learning and assessment

What kind of learners typically have in our class -- Deep learners and surface learners

CO formula -- Student should be able to + behavior + resulting evidence

What is the program articulation matrix -- the educational relationship between course outcomes and program outcomes

What sources of information are needed in crafting of the program outcomes -- Faculty expertise external stack holders needs and vision mission of institute

Teacher should focus on during designing assessment are -- learning outcomes

What is the basic units in designing course outcomes -- blooms taxonomy

 -- contributes to the attainment of program outcomes -- course outcomes

Teacher should focus during assessment --- topic  ---- learning outcomes

Invert or design is a sample of synthesis

What is the necessary to identify the PEOs of Btech program -- PEOs represent the ultimate judgement of a relevance and success of a degree program

What are the three learning objectives -- knowledge skills attitude